3.670 + Reviews
Nice flavour, easy to mix!
The Netherlands
A proper meal for busy people!
With Queal you’ll find yourself doing more stuff in the time you were wasting in the past.
Quick, easy, and delicious… I’ll never skip breakfast or lunch again.
Independent Reviews.
All reviews of Queal are made possible by the independent Feedback Company.

Quick, Easy, Delicious
Not being a morning person at all, I used to skip breakfast pretty regularly. Queal has stopped that bad habit in its tracks. Quick, easy, and delicious… I’ll never skip breakfast or lunch again.
Michel, Canada

Staple of My Diet
I have been using Queal for more than two years now. Both the powder and bars have become a staple of my diet.
Nicolas, France

Constantly Improving
Does its job perfectly. I’ve been a user for over 2 years now, and like that, Queal makes an effort to show that they constantly improve themselves over time, seeing first-hand their improvements over these 2 years.
Charlie, Denmark

It gives me the freedom to choose when to eat and when to work. I love it!
Dario, Italy

Save Time
Queal helps me save time and eat in a healthy way nonetheless.
François, France

Delicious & Healthy
Delicious and healthy! Finally I don’t have to worry as much about cooking and eating healthy anymore!
Maurice, Germany

Majority of Food
It makes up the majority of my food right now and I love it.
Sander, Estonia

Instead of Junk Food
Instead of eating junk food or nothing, I’m eating something much healthier, and it’s fast, too.
Olaf, Germany

Cheaper than Groceries
I really recommend it, it is also comparably cheaper than making whole meals from supermarket groceries.
Gianfranco, France

Free Up Time
I liked the taste and the time that I can invest in other activities rather than cooking or cleaning the dishes.
Victor, Spain

Excellent Customer Support
The customer support is excellent.
Robert, Germany

Instantly Hooked
I was instantly hooked! Low maintenance, quality, tasty food. For me it is an improvement of quality of life.
Nikolay, Germany

Life Hack
I love it. Now I don’t skip meals, don’t have to think about my next meal and I feel great, I genuinely feel like I’ve found a life hack.
Conor, Ireland

Nutritious Breakfast
The product has assured that I get a nutritional and affordable breakfast every day – something that I haven’t had for years.
Magnus, Denmark

So Much Calmer
As a stressed out-of-my-mind student, proper nutrition helps me keep my head on straight while completing my theses. I’m so happy a friend recommended me Queal, I’m so much calmer these days.
Thale, Norway

Food for On the Move
As an adjunct to a meal when you do not have time to cook or are constantly on the move, Queal is great. It is filling for a long time and is prepared very quickly. I am very happy with it and will order it again. Strong buy recommendation.
Artur, Germany

Getting Time Back
With Queal, I win back a lot of time which I dedicated to cooking and cleaning in the past. Now, I can do a lot of things. I cook and eat “traditional meal” only when I want, with a great pleasure.
Alexander, Spain

Quality of Life
Quality of life has increased. I have seen an increased energy level throughout the day, with confidence in knowing that what I am eating is making sense and is for good. The context is better than the alternatives; It is actually meals I look forward to eat on daily basis. Getting a 9 out of 10, as for the last point in buffer for surprise and even greater boosts.
Frej, Denmark

Time to Relax
A lot more free time to relax in the evening when I come home from a long stressful work day.
Valerio, Italy

Incredibly Easy
Queal is incredibly easy to make and take with you. I use it for lunch at work. No need to heat anything up, no need to bring lots of containers or whatever, just a shaker to clean. Healthy, affordable, delicious. Also cool that they do limited edition flavors, keeps the variety up.
Frank, Netherlands

Rich in Nutrients
Helps me be on the move a lot easier and the price is significantly cheaper than eating a cooked meal, financially and time-wise. Also most cooked meals aren’t that rich in nutrients as Queal is.
Oskar, Estonia

Taste Better Than Expected
Amazing! The taste is so much better than expected and compared to other competitive products. Normally i’m not into healthy products because they generally taste like shit. But these shakes and bars are really good. Only cooking 1-3 times a week now and replacing all other meals with shakes!
Manuel, Netherlands

Sign from God
I had a jaw infection, thus liquid food comes in handy (call it a sign/reminder from God to use more Queal), and was late with ordering. Still Queal was able to deliver the next day. Truly excellent!! The taste as always is and always will be great, I highly recommend Awesome Apple Pie!
Lars, Netherlands

More Filling
Quite positive, more filling than just drinking protein powder. The thickness of it make it more satisfiying and closer to eating a real meal, than a more watery protein drink.
Jonas, Sweden

Easy Breakfast
Breakfast with Queal is easy, fast and tasteful. I don’t go out without breakfast anymore.
Shinta, Netherlands

Subtle Flavours
Love it! Great, subtle, not overly sweet flavours. Thrilled that there’s an ‘Athletic’ version. Tried and liked all the flavours so far, and the GoBars are quite handy.
Baxter, Canada

Meals Without Effort
It’s nice! I like food and cooking in general and can spend quite some time in the kitchen, but sometimes it’s not an option or you just don’t feel like it. That’s when Queal comes really handy. It’s awesome to get a balanced meal without any effort. I think that the flavors are good but they could be slightly stronger. Overall it was surprisingly good, after my first order arrived my meals for a week was either a full on BBQ or a simple shake.
Magnus, Sweden
Replaces Breakfast
For me, it replaces breakfast. I have a hard time eating in the morning, so drinking a Queal is a great substitute!
Maria, Sweden
Better than Expected Taste
Tastes better than I had expected. Been using it for 1-2 meals per day for a month and a half, and it works pretty well as a meal substitution.
Sune, Denmark
Mixed Very Well
I bought the taste tester, with 7 different flavours. Mixed very well, better than I expected, no separation after storage in the fridge over night. I liked the vanilla and apple pie most, so this is what I will order next time. The taste reminded me of raw cake batter (which I like).
Dick, Netherlands
For Busy People
Thank you for a proper meal for busy people. You rock!
Felix, Netherlands
Tasty & Vegan
I love the product – how great it makes me feel and the tastes (vegan).
Lida, Netherlands
Replacing 50% of Meals
I like Queal a lot, replacing about half my meals. I also have some GO bars from time to time.
Josh, United Kingdom
Variety of Flavours
I’ve been eating Queal for around 2 months for around 2-3 meals per week. Personally I find it a great meal especially for dinner when I come home from work and don’t have a lot of time for cooking. I love the variety of flavours, it allows you to eat it for many times in a week without getting bored of any taste. Definitely a great choice and will buy it again!
Davide, Italy
Easy on the Stomach
Great! I’ve tried other foods like Queal and I’ve always hated the taste. Queal tastes great! And it doesn’t mess up my stomach like others have done. Great product, I will be ordering more 🙂
Dave, United Kingdom
Great First Impression
Very, very nice, first time I try a product like that and now I will go and buy many more bags!
Marcello, Italy
A Week of Queal
Great! Awesome taste and very filling. I spent an entire week only on Queal and felt good. I neeeeed more!
Shaun, Ireland
Raising Life-Qualities
In my opinion, you made an awesome job and I hope that all of you know that your product raises the life-qualities of many people.
Florian, Belgium
Great Customer Service
I am very satisfied with the quality, taste and the customer service. Keep on doing what you are doing 🙂
Matthias, Germany
Taste & Texcture
Great. Taste is great, texture also, even better than I remember from the first time which was pretty great also.
Jan, Slovenia
New Breakfast
Hello everyone Your meals allow me to eat a breakfast. I got up very early to go to work, I was unable to swallow a breakfast. Thanks to Queal I found the solution after a while of years.
Jean-Louis, France
Win Back Time
Very good! Using it at breakfast & dinner to win time and be precise with my calorie intake. Taste is good, feels smooth and works as expected!
Pablo, Spain
Constant Improvements
Queal has shown that they have continually pushed themselves to improve their product in every aspect!
Kjartan, United Kingdom
Nicest Complete Food
Loving it. By far the nicest complete food in terms of both taste and texture. Loving it!
Rory, Ireland
Better Than Expected
It had been a while since I tried meal replacement shakes. The flavor is way better than expected. Also the bottle is quite convenient to use!
Tamara, Netherlands
Natural Taste
Excellent product. Have compared with a number of others. Queal has natural taste, excellent nutritional balance and mixes with water very easily.
Donald, Canada
Sharing with Friends
Awesome, really enjoy the product and fit my needs perfectly. Already shared with some friends.
Diana, Portugal
Good Replacement
Great taste, texture; good replacement for a meal once a day.
Michael, England
Replaces Second Meal
I replace the shakes for my second meal in the morning and it saves me a lot of time to not have to prep meals anymore. Besides the time saving element, there are more protein, good fats and calories in the shake than in the meals I made.
Jeroen, Netherlands
Fast to Make
It’s easy, fast to make, very good taste.
Fabrice, Belgium
Cheap Meal Option
With Queal, I could have a good and cheap meal when I am at work. This is the Queal use right now for me. I like the flavour, which is a great thing.
Ismael, Sweden
Very Convenient
It’s very convenient and a portion is very filling.
Dennis, Denmark
Easy to Understand
Easy to understand and quick. Overall, it was a good experience.
Philip, Denmark
Fast Shipping
Fast shipping, fast delivery.
Greatest online support ever.
Oriol, Spain