Complete Food Survey 2018:
the results are here!

October 5th 2018

From the 19th until the 30th of September 2018, we ran the Complete Food Survey of 2018. Along with 13 other companies in the industry, we’ve gathered and analyzed opinions, likes and dislike from current customers to be able to generate insights and serve them better in the future. Today, we’ve published this year’s results.

This blog will give you some sneak peeks of the outcomes this year, you can find our extensive analysis here.

If you'd like to discuss the results with fellow complete foods consumers, please find your way to this forum thread.

You like it cold!

58% of this year's participants said they prefer their shakes out of the fridge instead of at room temperature.

Bulk packaging over RTD's.

Most of you say they choose bulk packaging of powders over single serve and ready to drink bottles.

The number of complete-foods-diehards is growing.

In 2017, 8% of the participants used complete foods to replace more than 90% of their regular meals. This year, this number has grown to 9,5%.

Bye bye bagel!

The most common "regular meals" replaced by complete foods are cereals, toast, bagels or bread, sandwiches and eggs.

If you were one of the 800+ participating, thank you! We highly appreciate your effort and will use the insights as a guideline for future improvements. Hope to see you again next year!

Check this webpage to have a look at all the results.
