Complete Food Survey 2019:
the results are here!

October 3rd 2019

Last month we (and by we, I mean you) participated in the Complete Food Survey 2019. Over the last few years we took the lead in organising it, this year the independent LatestFuels took over the lead. Along with 14 other companies in the industry, we’ve gathered and analyzed opinions, likes and dislike from current customers to be able to generate insights and serve them better in the future. Here is our first take on it.

This blog will give you some sneak peeks of the outcomes this year, you will be able to find the extensive analysis here at a later date.

Who am I?

Just like in the previous years, you're a young professional most likely in engineering or software development. You eat complete meals for convenience and to lead an effecient and healthy life.

What you would like to see.

The most common requests were for savoury flavours, complete bars, and hot meals.

The survey was conducted under all Complete Food brands, so some might not be aware of Ready (our hot meal). Soon we hope to be able to release our second complete bar. And, although it's very difficult to get right, we are testing a new savoury flavour in the lab (if it's good, you will be the first to know).

More lunch than breakfast.

This year more people ate Complete Foods for lunch than breakfast (72% vs 66%, multiple options were possible). And over the course of your use, almost half (42%) have stopped. The reasons for this varied from vacation, to having a new partner, to wanting some more variety.

If you were one of the 1000+ participating, thank you! We highly appreciate your effort and will use the insights as a guideline for future improvements. Hope to see you again next year!

Curious? Go and take a look at the CFS website
