What to eat as a busy vegan?

June 14th 2019

We all know those moments on which you are just too busy to prepare or even get yourself a nutritious meal. Fast food or take-out meals often are the answer, and while these options weren’t that attractive for vegans and vegetarians before, they now are. Resulting in more and more people who now have the possibility to always get a fast and easy meal.

This is a great thing, except for the fact that those fast meal often aren’t that healthy. Now we don’t want to say that the old days were the best, when all those delicious vegan fast foods did not exist yet. But did you know there are really fast but healthy and nutritious meals too? Vegan and vegetarian options that are just as quick (and cheap) as a plant-based burger or pizza at a well-known fast food chain? Or the vegan frozen meals in your local grocery store? Read on if you want to learn more!

Or check out vegan complete meals now!

Healthy vegan food in a hurry.

If you are looking for nutritious vegan meals that you can get anywhere, anytime. Something that is as healthy as the old-time salad without the dressing, but as satisfying as the vegan pizza? Then complete foods are just right for you!

Complete foods are meals that are very quick to prepare but also nutritionally complete. Meaning that every portion has a healthy ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and contains all 27 essential vitamins and minerals. And the quick part? Well, that’s because of the form these meals come in.

The Queal product line-up.

Here at Queal (quick + meal), we have vegan meal shake powders, bars and a complete instant oatmeal. All of these products can be prepared in 30 seconds or less and will satisfy your whole body instead of only your appetite. The fact that they can be kept uncooled, and have a long shelf life makes that they are relatively cheap and something you can stock up upon.

With a pouch of STEADY, some cups of READY or a few GO bars in your pantry you will be always sure to have a nourishing, healthy, plant-based meal. Whenever you need it.

Are you willing to try it yourself? Go have a look at our vegan products!

Queal vegan products
