3 extremely easy recipes for vegan meal replacement shakes.

February 20th 2019

Pre-prepared shake mixes are a great solution for vegans wanting a quick and nutritious meal. They’re super quick, can be prepared literally anywhere and will make sure your body gets all it needs. Our Vegan range, currently consisting of Smooth Vanilla, Banana Mania and Chocolate Hazelnut Happiness, is considered one of the best taste- and texture wise, but did you know you could still give them a little flavour boost?

Get inspired by these 3 extremely lazy recipes and make your vegan shake even more delicious. Yum!

Banana Mania cookie crumb

Ok, this one is easy as can be! The only thing you will need to give this amazing flavour an extra boost is adding a dash of cinnamon, clove, nutmeg and ginger (for the dutchies, this is koek en speculaas kruiden!). The soft and creamy banana flavour perfectly matches with some sweet spiciness, yum!

Smooth Vanilla blueberry bomb

Ready for an extra boost of fruity freshness? Well, then try and blend some (frozen) blueberries in your shake. Spoiler alert: now only the extra flavour is amazing, the blueberries will turn your shake purple/blueish! If you don’t want your shake to become a little more watery than normal, add 50ml of liquid (water, almond milk, whatever your like) less.

Holy Chocolate Hazelnut Happiness

Let’s be honest: this one is already very rich in taste. But to have little extra experience texture-wise, you could mix in little (dark) chocolate chips! Every kind of chocolate works, whether you cut a bar in small pieces, pick the kinds we use to decorate bakings or maybe use up some leftover chocolate-y festive treats. Our only tip is to keep the chunks relatively small, as you still want to get them through the grid of your shaker. Oh, for the dutchies reading this, hagelslag works!

Are you're looking for more recipe inspiration? On CookingNerds.com, you'll find an extensive overview of delicious complete-food-recipes. Also, next to our forum, this is the place to share your own amazing ideas!

Check out our vegan shakes
